Expand Your Kindle universe with RSS feeds & readlists!

Get your favorite RSS feeds delivered straight to your Kindle! Curate your own readlists, discover incredible articles, and let Sendtoreader compile them into an ebook for effortless delivery to your device. Start your enhanced reading journey now!

The idea

tl;dr We spend too much time ahead of computer screens.

Screen time has become an integral part of our lives. We wake up to our phone alarms, attend school or work through a screen, and most of our leisure time involves screens, such as TV, movies, and video games. This shift towards a screen-dominated lifestyle has raised concerns about the potential negative impacts on our health, particularly our eyesight and attention span.

So, what can we do to mitigate these negative impacts? Let's consider the option of reading on a Kindle - a device specifically designed for reading, equipped with a paper-like display that is gentle on our eyes. By choosing the Kindle, we can enjoy the benefits of a device that prioritizes our eye health while indulging in the pleasure of reading.

Send web pages to Kindle

You'll definitely appreciate the comfort of your Kindle's eInk display while diving into that captivating and lengthy online story. Sendtoreader goes the extra mile by enhancing your reading experience, effortlessly removing all ads and other distractions from the webpage. You'll receive a beautifully formatted ebook that presents only the text and images, ensuring a seamless reading journey.

Send any web page in a single click

It's as easy as using bookmarks inside your browser. Actually, Sendtoreader acts as a "bookmarklet" - a bookmark with some JS code attached to it.

Instant delivery

You'll receive the text of the page you've sent in less than a minute, wirelessly. No need to connect your Kindle to PC or anything like that!

Kindle native format

Each text delivered via Sendtoreader is actually an eBook, just like any other on your reader, so all Kindle features are available inside it - notes, hightlights, bookmarks, font, layout, etc.

Subscribe to RSS feeds

If you're familiar with RSS and seeking a service that can seamlessly deliver your favorite feeds to your Kindle reader in fulltext format, search no more. SendtoReader is here to fulfill your needs.

Full-text format without exceptions

Even if the feed does not support it!

Kindle native format

Navigation, fonts, layout, ect.

Combine multiple feeds into one

As an active user of RSS feeds, you don't need to overwhelm your library with multiple deliveries each day. Instead, consider setting up one or two daily deliveries that contain all your favorite feeds.

Bundle web pages into reading lists

Got a long list of stories, blog posts and news to read? Bundle them all together using Sendtoreader’s e-book creator, and send the whole list as a single e-book to your Kindle, to read later.

Improved Organization

By bundling web pages into reading lists, you can effectively organize your resources, making it easier to access and reread them later.

Focused Reading

Bundling web pages helps you to avoid the issue of getting 'lost in hyperspace' due to the mass interlinking of webpages. It can streamline the reading process, allowing you to focus on the main topics of your list.

Rich Repository of topics

Reading lists can serve as a rich repository of relevant resources. When you come across useful articles, you can save them to a thematic reading list, creating a valuable library of usefull information.

Start your new, enhanced reading journey today!

With Sendtoreader, you are taking control of your reading experience, transforming it into a harmonized, enriching endeavor. Explore new subjects, delve into captivating articles, and build your personal library of valuable information with ease. Enjoy the seamless organization and effortless navigation that our platform provides, ultimately improving your overall reading experience.

  • 1

    Comfortable Reading Experience

    Sendtoreader facilitates a comfortable reading experience by sending web pages and RSS feeds to your Kindle device. The Kindle's e-ink display is gentle on the eyes, making it a healthier option for people who spend a lot of their time in front of screens

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    Distraction-free Content

    The service enhances the reading experience by removing all ads and other distractions from the webpage, delivering a beautifully formatted ebook

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    Organized Reading Lists

    Sendtoreader makes reading experience less chaotic, by organizing texts in reading lists, providing an effective way to organize resources, streamline the reading process, and create a valuable library of useful information